Born in B.C.

Skabbard was created in the Whistler backcountry by Robert Joncas, long-time Canada Snowboard Performance Director and Team Manager at the Vancouver and Sochi Olympics.

As a lifelong snowboarder with tens of thousands of miles under his belt, Bob knew exactly what he and the athletes needed to safely protect their gear.

Obsessively designed from A-to-Z.

Like all good things, Skabbard didn't come easy. For years, Bob sketched, tweaked, and tested, looking for the most practical way to protect both his board and his car.

Hundreds of hours and dozens of prototypes later, Skabbard was born, and now Bob (and you), can get shredding faster and easier than ever before.

Double protection.

Throw your board in the sleeve, throw the sleeve in the car, and boom, you're on the way to the mountain. Both your car and your board are perfectly protected, with no added bulk or hassle.

Best of all, if you're carpooling with friends or taking public transport, your board won't get dinged and you won't be slicing people or seats inadvertently.

Be like Le Bob, shred on.

Grab yours now.